Hello and welcome to my blog!

So here’s a little experiment I’m trying.  We’ll see how it works out.

In light of my love of books, I thought I’d try having a book review blog.  Now, I’m no literary scholar nor do I hold any advanced degrees, I simply read books and have opinions about them and what better place for that than here?

My interests lie mainly in the Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres, but I occasionally stray into Mysteries, Historical Fiction, Classics, and the odd Non-Fiction, so that is what I will be writing about.  I hope that my reviews might help people to find something new to read, or help them to avoid spending hours reading something that just might not be their style.  Either way, I hope this blog will be helpful.

And, to the one or two people who accidentally stumbled upon this blog and chose to read this far, thank you so very much!  Please come back soon!

Click the links on the right to read reviews and see what’s new with my news and updates section.

One thought on “Hello and welcome to my blog!

  1. What a great idea …….. just how could you, without an advanced degree and without being a literary scholar, read books? Tubularsock is dumb founded!

    However, thanks for the recent like. Tubularsock, “. . . first hand coverage, second hand news.” has much more to say but …….. back to saving the world!

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